We have had a very busy week with more transition planning, therapy, school, plays, basketball playoffs, and the first of seven transition evaluations, all that need to be complete in two weeks. I also spoke on a Parent Panel at Perkins School for the blind. We are not lacking in the "busy" department.
Abi was in a really cute school play and you managed to sit quietly (except for growling) for more than 1/2 hour. Tuesday, Sam had a basketball playoff game and again, you managed to sleep through all the whistles, yelling, and clapping for a 1/2 hour. I love watching basketball. It is my favorite sport to watch. I was born a midwestern girl and absolutely love basketball. When I was a little girl, I played too. I was better at handling the ball and stealing it away from the other team because I was very aggressive. I also have a very deep love for the Kansas Jayhawks. We also attended another play, and you continued to growl. I thought you might have something going on with your throat so I took you to the pediatrician, but no, you just like to growl.
I wonder what you will enjoy. Right now, if I had to guess, I would say a musical performer. You bang on your piano and love everything musical, especially your xylophone. Daddy and I play it for you now, but overtime, when you develop fine motor, you will take over. You also played the xylophone piano at school this week and loved it. I bought a xylophone ornament for you as your ornament this year.
I was asked to participate on a parent panel at Perkins. It started with tears, telling our story because I was very nervous. There were 30-40 educators and students in the room. A mom from our group talked too, along with a dad from a different group at Perkins. Both parents are amazing advocates too. I was so proud to talk about our experience that I probably went a little off topic at times. As long as everyone felt they learned something, I feel that it was successful. I brought a picture of you and propped it up right in front of me. "Awwwww", is what I heard from the crowd. Yes, Savannah Mae, you are an adorable little girl. I wanted to bring a picture so it would be more personal. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. You give me passion and I just love that feeling.
The picture I used :) |
I talked about raising a child with special needs and how rewarding and is amazing it really is. All the little things that people take for granted, are actually HUGE thing for us. Your first smile, your first laugh, you learning to sit unassisted, and you learning to bear weight. All of these things have come with a lot of patience and a TON of hard work on your part. These things don't come natural, you have to work hard for them. We earn them by helping you. You are a huge inspiration to me. I couldn't love you more. You give me so much passion to be better, advocate more, and just enjoy you for who you are. I love you sweet girl. And just so you know, we are preparing for yet another snowstorm, in March. If I am grumpy, I hope you will understand. I am so over the snow.
Love, Mommy