Dear Savannah,
As I watched the Boston Marathon Day of Remebrance program, a lot went through my mind. You enjoyed the Boston's Children Chorus and then you crashed. I remember last year. I was working and we walked to get ice cream while the bombing was taking place. Thank goodness we don't go into the city on busy days. It actually would make me much more nervous. I can't imagine how the victims feel now in a crowded public event.
One speech that touched my heart was about community. Just the message of community and what if only every community would bond the way the world has supported Boston this past year, and New York after 911? What if? What if the world supported our differences as people? Would you have an easier road ahead.? Would your peers learn to accept your differences and love you like I do? We'll, I'm pretty sure there is not a person alive who loves you the way I do.
Speaking of community, we supported a local family just two days ago. Hundreds of people gathered in Salem to pray for a little baby named Mason who has cancer. We all wore orange. We tied a Mason Strong ballon to your stroller. It was amazing to see the support and this all came together within a few days. Just like Boston Strong, he is Mason Strong.
On the news program today, they talked a lot about the victims and their resilience, dedication, courage, and strength.. The victims have encouraged the world so much over the past year. Savannah, it reminded me so much of you. Sometimes, I wonder how you do it. I look at you with pure amazement. You work hard, you hardly complain, and you just keep pushing. Your feisty side pays off. You are mommy's little fighter. You really are an amazing gift. I am one lucky mommy. I love you my little Boston Bean.
Love, Mommy
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