Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wake Up

Dear Savannah,

So I have decided you take after Aunt Lindy and you are a little night owl. You have always been, but last night you really wanted to hang out with Mommy and Daddy so you did not even close your eyes until almost 1a.m. I didn't mind too much knowing you would probably sleep in. Well, at 6am we had a wake up call but it was not you. Our fire alarms went off for the second time this week. It looks like we need to change all the batteries. Needless to say, we were all awake bright and early.

After breakfast and a little play time with Daddy, we all went back to sleep. The rest of the day was pretty normal. Daddy went to work and you and I played and napped. You had a mini photo shoot for your first birthday invitations. You are such a little beauty.

You tried chicken for the first time today. I make all your baby food so I was able to puree it to the right consistency and add squash and apples. It was a hit. So far Savannah, you are a great little eater and have tried a very large variety of food. You like avocados, all fruit, carrots, squash, prunes, and so much more. You don't care for white potatoes, although you love sweet potatoes. Daddy says you have a sweet tooth like Mommy.:)Now if we could only get you to drink more.

I love you sweet girl!

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like she takes after her cousin Ashy who still dislikes potatoes and sleeping at night! The boys are looking forward to her visit!
