Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Endearing- Special Needs parenting

Dear Savannah,

I truly cannot tell you how thankful for you I am each day. Sure, some days are harder than others but I try my best to make you feel so happy and so loved everyday. Your personality is wonderful. Your little giggle from the back in your car seat on my way to school, well, it makes my heart melt.

On our way to School, just before the silly giggle party.

To start the week off, we had two extra days with you at home. We have had so much snow. Last week, 27 inches and this week, another 16. It doesn't surprise me that you love the snow because truly, you just love to be outdoors. You loved your ride around the snow covered streets in our sled. We adapted it by adding Velcro straps from your chair made at Perkins and your old boppy pillow that holds so many close memories of nursing you. Nursing was never easy for you. You have always had a hard time with thin liquids. However, we did share this bond and you enjoyed my milk for almost a full year.

I follow a website full of wonderful articles in Special needs parenting. It's called, The Mighty. Last week, the asked for a one word description of special needs parenting. I commented with the answer endearing. You have all qualities to make you lovable, so extremely lovable. You are endearing and our journey is truly amazing. Easy, far from easy but I feel so lucky God chose me to be your mommy. The Mighty asked for me to share a photo. Sure enough, you were featured in this article. I love sharing our journey. I want to help others understand that a disability is just that. To me, diability should include warrior in the definition. You are not less than anyone else. We all posses unique qualities. I love all of you, I always will.

More good news, it looks like Daddy's health will improve. They feel that a virus attacked his heart and it will all resolve. Praise the Lord. You are currently healthy  after spending almost the entire month of January with a cold, a nasty one too. My biggest concern at this moment is how are we going to get enough iron into your little body without causing other issues. You are extremely iron deficient. Your diet already consists of greens and hamburgers. You need to supplement 40mg a day. That's a lot. we are already seeing some side effects so I plan to call your pediatrician tomorrow. You also have some strange bumps on your back.

Tomorrow, we have an eye appointment and a land evaluation for Aqua therapy. I'm so excited to start this again. You love the water, like you love outdoors. However, music and mommy still take the cake. Peaceful dreams love bug.

One Very Lucky Mommy

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